Enhancing information security

JISEC-References for Smartcard Evaluation

Last Updated:Jul 12, 2021

This page provides information on the evaluation of smartcards and similar devices and hardware devices with security boxes under JISEC scheme.

CC Supporting Documents related to Smartcards

This page provides technical documents such as specific evaluation methods for Smartcards, which are issued as Common Criteria Supporting Documents from CCRA. There are two types of supporting documents: Mandatory Techinical Document, Guidance Document.
Mandatory Technical Documents contains a consistent set of interpretations that specify or complement the CC/CEM during the IT Security Evaluation of Smartcards and related devices.
Guidance Documents may contain background material to aid the understanding of the evaluation approach or any other information not considered to be mandatory.

Mandatory Technical Documents (CC Supporting Documents)

Under the JISEC, the original texts of the mandatory technical documents (standards) shall be effective as follows:

Guidance (CC Supporting Documents)

Followings are supporting documents which are open to the public at CCRA as a significant reference for Smartcard Evaluation, etc.

CC Supporting Documents related to Hardware devices with security boxes