Enhancing information security
Last Updated:Feb 8, 2024
Please use the the latest version of application forms of CCM-02-A.
Form 10
Form 18
Official documentation that an official body issued. If an appropriate document has already submitted on other unrelated business and when there is no change in the content, fill in the reception date of the document and the reception number on the application form.
Form 3
Evaluation deliverables list and scheduled date of submission.
Form 7
Form 8
Form 9
Form 17
418,000 yen
539,000 yen
704,000 yen
825,000 yen
1,045,000 yen
418,000 yen
539,000 yen
704,000 yen
825,000 yen
1,045,000 yen
Consultation Required
396,000 yen
396,000 yen
3,900 yen
3,900 yen
3,900 yen
3,500 yen
3,500 yen
3,500 yen
When the acceptance procedure of the application was completed as a rule, IPA will send the bill to the applicant by next month (about the middle of).
The applicant must transfer the application fee by the due date listed on the invoice (usually by the end of next month of the acceptance of the invoice).
IPA will inform you of the payee's bank account when the bill is issued.
Transfer fee should be borne by the applicant.
Please send applications to the following address.
Information Security Certification Office, IT Security Center,
Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Japan
Bunkyo Green Court Center Office
2-28-8 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-6591 JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-5978-7538 FAX: +81-3-5978-7548
Feb 8, 2024
The definition of Assurance Continuity has been changed.
Re-assessment has been added.