
Cryptography Symposium 2000(Report of Proceedings)

Last Updated: November 21, 2000

The IPA Security Center (ISEC) and the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) jointly sponsored the Cryptography Symposium on October 20, 2000 at the Kikai Shinko Kaikan in Minato-ku, Tokyo. The proceedings of the Symposium are presented here.

 Registrations Received: 314

 Number of Participants: 282 (Foreign participants: 22)

Opening Remarks
Masahiko Kobayashi, Director, IPA ISEC

Lecture: "Trends in Cryptographic Techniques"
Dr. Shigeo Tsujii, Professor, Chuo University (Adviser, Cryptography Research & Evaluation Committee / Project Leader, Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan's Yokohama Research Center)

In his lecture, Professor Tsujii reviewed developments in Modern Cryptography research, which gained momentum beginning in the 1980s. He began by looking back at academic research in the 1980s and covered everything up through trends in current cryptography research, and related industry and government activities. International activities were also mentioned.
Professor Tsujii also introduced TAO's Telecommunications Security Project and discussed the ideal role of basic research performed by the Japanese Government. In regard to technological directions, Professor Tsujii emphasized the importance of stream ciphers in symmetric-key cryptography and of researching super elliptical curve cryptography as an area of public-key cryptography.
He also touched on future possibilities for realizing quantum cryptography. On trends in government activities, Professor Tsujii introduced a project that he previously chaired and that is related to the Electronic Signatures Law.

Lecture: "Evaluation of Cryptographic Techniques (CRYPTREC)"
Dr. Hideki Imai, Professor, The University of Tokyo (Chair, Cryptography Research & Evaluation Committee)

Professor Imai introduced CRYPTREC, addressing its background, development, and the goals of its activities. CRYPTREC activities are led by Professor Imai, who serves as Chair; Professor Toshinobu Kaneko of the Science University of Tokyo, who heads the Symmetric-Key Subcommittee; and Assistant Professor Tsutomu Matsumoto of Yokohama National University, who heads the Public-Key Subcommittee. For information on cryptography systems that are undergoing detailed evaluation and that were introduced in the lecture, see the following page. Evaluation of Cryptographic Techniques http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/enc/CRYPTREC/index-e.html The necessity of continuing to perform evaluations in collaboration with ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC 27 and similar projects in other countries was suggested.

Panel Discussion: "Evaluation of and Standards for Cryptographic Techniques"
Moderator: Dr. Kenji Naemura, Professor, Keio University (ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC 27 Japan Chair and Member, Cryptography Research & Evaluation Committee)
Debate of whether to develop a standard international cryptographic algorithm and a lively exchange of opinions on ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC 27 activities was carried out among attendees.


Dr. Michael Word
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 WG 2 Acting Convenor
"ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC 27 Activities"
Dr. Walter Fumy
"NESSIE Activities"
Dr. Burt Kaliski
RSA Laboratories Chief Scientist and Director
"AES and Other Cryptography Trends in the US"
Dr. Kyunghwan Park
KISA( Korea Information Security Agency )
"Cryptography Trends in Korea"
Mr. Yoshitaka Toi
Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
"Cryptography in Electronic Government"
Dr. Hiroyuki Ohno
Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
"Network Security and Cryptography"
Dr. Toshinobu Kaneko
Professor, Science University of Tokyo (Member, Cryptography Research & Evaluation Committee)
"CRYPTREC Activities"
Dr. Koichi Sakurai
Associate Professor, Kyushu University (Member, Cryptography Research & Evaluation Committee)
"Cryptography Standardization Organizations in Japan"

17:50 Closing