Enabling digital transformations in industries and a society

Promotion of Software Modernization

Release Date:Nov 5, 2024

Digital Infrastructure Center
Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan

IPA is working to support the spread and promotion of Software Modernization in Japan.


Today, the majority of a company's added value is realized through software, and the superiority of software determines a business's success or failure. In Japan, however, old values such as low levels between user and vendor companies and old-fashioned development persist. As a result, Japan's international competitiveness has remained stagnant.

To respond to environmental changes and maintain and improve society's vitality, it is necessary to maximize software's advantages and confront international competition.

Software Modernization related documents

Software Modernization Committee Interim Report

IPA established the Software Modernization Committee to identify the industry's ideal shape based on maximizing software's value and to promote reforms based on bold ideas that are not bound by conventional frameworks.

This interim report provisionally outlines the desired direction and key themes.

Contact information

For further information, contact to:

Software Engineering Group, Digital Engineering Department,
Digital Infrastructure Center, Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan

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Change log

  • Nov 5, 2024

    Released this page.