Enabling digital transformations in industries and a society

Promotion of Systems Engineering

In the circumstances like the progress of the fourth industrial revolution and the social restructuring by IoT, the socio-economy is driven by SoS (System of Systems) and other complex systems, and system development projects thereby become tough tasks due to the enlarging diversity of system requirements, heightened functionality, increasing complexity, and unforeseeable risk arising from the environment. IPA commenced such activities to introduce and disseminate systems engineering as a promising and comprehensive solution to system development practices against those hardening system development challenges. It commences activities for dissemination and deployment to industries. It is considering SE’s impact and effective scope of application.

Behind Systems Engineering

  • Behind Systems Engineering

Related documents

In October 2016, the president of IPA/SEC Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto, conducted an interview with Dr. Jens Heidrichand Dr. Martin Becker from Fraunhofer IESE, about challenges and best practiced in the area of Systems Engineering across innovative companies in the German-speaking region, for the article on SEC Journal.
The article was also introduced on the Web site of Fraunhofer IESE in March 2017.


Special Seminar :Tokyo (Oct 24, 2016) and Osaka (Oct 26, 2016)


Dr. Jens Heidrich,IESE


Dr. Martin Becker,IESE