Cybersecurity Consortium

About SC3

Overview of Supply-Chain Cybersecurity Consortium (SC3)

The Supply-Chain Cybersecurity Consortium (SC3) was established in 2020, with the aim of promoting cyber security measures throughout the supply chain, including both large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

image:General Assembly

Board of Directors

ENDO Nobuhiro
Vice President, Chairman, Committee on Cyber Security, Japan Business Federation
Vice Presidents
Special Advisor, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Vice Chairman, Japan Association of Corporate Executives


Industry-wide movement to promote “the Basic Actions Guideline” for strengthening companies’ risk management, i.e. (1) Sharing (Close information sharing between entities that share common supply-chains), (2) Reporting (Reporting if sensitive technology information leakage is suspected), and (3) Announcement (Public announcement when appropriate), and to strengthen cybersecurity of whole supply-chains by both large enterprises and SMEs.


Major Business Associations (Japan Business Federation, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan Association of Corporate Executives), Major Sectoral Industrial Associations and so on.(175 members, as of March 2022)

Date of the Start

November 1, 2020



This working group (WG) discusses measures and initiatives that should be taken by private and public sectors to strengthen the cybersecurity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Discussions in this WG includes the establishment and promotion of “Cybersecurity Supporters Services*”, issues, solutions and practices for SMEs’ cybersecurity.

*Private companies’ services which satisfy “cybersecurity supporters service” standards consisting of essential cybersecurity services for SMEs including inquiry counter, monitoring of systems, emergency support, and simple cyber insurance.

Cyberattacks Analysis & Countermeasures WG

This working group (WG) aims at raising the levels of cybersecurity throughout supply chain by delivering cybersecurity-related information that should be recognized by the top management of companies.

Industry- Academia- Government Collaboration WG

This working group (WG) considers and promotes initiatives under industry- academia- government collaboration, such as the development and promotion of human resources for cybersecurity and the initiatives to strengthen cybersecurity measures in academic research organizations.

Regional Security Community Promotion WG

This working group (WG) aims at promoting regional security communities which have been established in each region of Japan, by enhancing information sharing among communities, and considering/promoting initiatives to solve common issues.

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