Certified/Validated Products List

Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE715 III / 615 III / 525 III Series 2600 model

Canon Inc.
Last Updated 2019-12-17
Product Name :
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE 715 III/615 III/525 III Series 2600 model
Version of TOE :
Product Type :
Multifunction Product
Certification Identification :
Date :
Version of Common Criteria:
3.1 Release5
Conformance Claim :
EAL2 Augmented by ALC_FLR.2
PP Identifier :
U.S. Government Approved Protection Profile - U.S. Government Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices Version 1.0 (IEEE Std. 2600.2™-2009)


Description of TOE

The TOE is a MFP (Multifunction Product) that offers Copy, Print, Universal Send, Fax, I-Fax, and Mail Box capabilities.
The TOE is capable of implementing the functionality required by the U.S. Government Approved Protection Profile - U.S. Government Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices Version 1.0 (IEEE Std. 2600.2™-2009) defined as the Protection Profile for MFP.

TOE security functionality

The TOE embodies the following security functions.

  • User Authentication Function
    Function for identifying and authenticating the user.
  • Function Use Restriction Function
    Function for restricting the use of the MFP depending on the authority of the user.
  • Job Output Restriction Function
    Function for restricting access to print, cancel, and other jobs to the user that executed the job and the administrator.
  • Forward Received Jobs Function
    Function for restricting the machine from forwarding received data directly to the LAN.
  • HDD Data Erase Function
    Function for erasing unnecessary data from the hard disk by overwriting the data.
  • HDD Data Encryption Function
    Function for encrypting all data stored in the HDD.
  • LAN Data Protection Function
    Function for protecting all IP packets that are communicated with an IT device.
  • Self-Test Function
    Function for testing the integrity of the executable code at startup.
  • Audit Log Function
    Function for generating audit logs on security events, allowing them to be viewed by the administrator and sending them to an external server.
  • Management Function
    Function for restricting device settings that influence security to be made only by the administrator.