- Product Name :
- uCosminexus Application Server
- Version of TOE :
- 07-00
- Product Type :
- IT Product (Web Application Server)
- Certification No. :
- C0086
- Date :
- 2007-03-22
- Conformance Claim :
- PP Identifier :
- None
- Vendor :
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- POC :
- Yasushi Ochi
- Division :
- Hitachi,Ltd.,Software Division Network Software Integrated Network System Department
- Phone :
- +81-45-862-8993
- E-mail :
- Evaluation Facility :
- Electronic Commerce Security Technology Laboratory Inc. Evaluation Center
TOE is a Web application server software product that is a J2EETM (Java (TM) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition)-compliant.
TOE provides runtime and management environments.
The product, that includes TOE, is mainly consist of Web container and EJBTM container that is Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 compatible platform. And it also includes various software to execute and manage J2EE-compliant Java applications. It improves availability and reliability of the business application system, and provides several functions in order to manage business application system efficiently.
TOE provides following security functions.
- Identification and authentication
- Access control
- Security management