Certified/Validated Products List

Version M.10

Sharp Corporation
Last Updated 2009-03-02
Product Name :
Version of TOE :
Version M.10
Product Type :
IT Product (data protection function in Multi Function Device)
Certification No. :
Date :
Conformance Claim :
PP Identifier :


The TOE is an IT product composed of 2 parts for a Multi Function Device (hereafter referred as to "MFD") to reduce the risk that image data stored or remaining in the HDD and the Flash Memory be disclosed. One part is a hardware part in an MFD and provided in the form of an MFD. The other part is a firmware product and provided as an upgrade kit for the firmware of the MFD.

The TOE counters unauthorized disclosure of image data by:

    - the encryption function, that encrypts and spools image data that the MFD handles
       for jobs  (of copy, printer, image-scanning, fax transmission/reception and PC-Fax),
    - the erasure function, that overwrites the spooled data area when each job is completed,
    - the confidential file function, that protects image data that a user files with a password,
    - the IP/MAC address filter function, that refuses unauthorized network accesses, and
    - the SSL function, that protects communications data against wiretapping.